General Education Capstone Final
Healthy or Unhealthy?
Who can we Believe?
In recent times, Genetically Modified Organisms are replacing our diet with genetically grown and altered food scientifically that we buy and eat from our stores every day. People who are trained as Genetically Modification Engineers, insert extracted genes from one living thing into the DNA of another living thing artificially to make new traits. This is done with the motivation to make the foods resists threats, grow bigger, grow faster, and produce more than the natural state of these foods can produce. More research is needed as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not conduct safety studies on these Genetically Modified foods and leaves this process up to the companies that are making and selling them (Smith, 2014). GMO’s can threaten our environment, land, our food security, and agricultural system as they are sprayed with very large amounts of herbicides that pollute our soil. These herbicides also get into our water systems and then into our foods (FAQs about GMO’s, 2015). Since Genetically Modified Foods are not yet labeled for the consumer when buying, and are impossible to produce in nature and only in a lab, it is questioned if these foods are healthy for us to consume on a daily basis.
A Genetically Modified Food or additive is a product that is engineered with DNA from a different plant, animal, insect, or bacterium. For example, this can be done to corn on the cob or even put a GMO as an ingredient in something we eat such as the corn in tortilla chips or cornstarch. The problem with Genetically Modified Foods has become a growing concern and controversy to all Americans that do not want to ingest these foods without proper labeling and more information available to them. An actual 92% of Americans believe that all of these foods should be labeled before they can be sold. A survey was done nationally of 1,004 people from the Consumer Reports National Research Center on every day foods that these people eat. In this survey, the Consumer
Reports National Research Center discovered that GMO’s were present in many packaged foods,
such as breakfast cereals, chips, baking mixes, and even protein bars (FAQs about GMO’s, 2015). Americans are not informed of this and are now worried. The growing concern comes from the fact that there is no evidence that these foods have been proven safe to consume and will not make people sick with long term eating. In 1994, the genetically engineered flavor saver tomato first appeared in our American grocery stores and today we have over 300 different foods and additives (Hemphill & Banergee, 2015). GMO supporters will say that there is credible evidence that people have not been harmed by eating Genetically Modified Foods over time. These supporters state this as fact and have no credible evidence to back up what they state.
With animal testing and doing research on genetically modified foods, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM), an international organization of physicians came to the conclusion that there can and has been serious health risks when you consume these GM foods on a daily basis over time. They concluded that these risks include immune system problems, accelerated aging, infertility, and also can cause a disruption of cholesterol and insulin regulation. The health risks can include gastrointestinal problems and organ damage over time. In 2010, GM crops that were grown in the United States, according to the United States Department of Agriculture were herbicide tolerant crops, which were genetically modified to include, 78 percent of all cotton, 93 percent of all soybeans, and 70 percent of all corn. Some of these foods are also genetically modified to resist insects along herbicides. In our organs, a study that was done in 2009 that used and found three types of genetically modified corn that was approved for human consumption was also linked to liver and kidney damage. In this same lab, where rats were given this corn, there were some changes that were not so good to the adrenal, heart, spleen and to blood cells over a course of ninety days of testing (Smith, 2011). With all of this still no regulation for any type of labeling here in America.
David Suzuki who is a Geneticist stated, “By putting these Genetically Modified foods and additives into our food supply without our knowledge and without any indication these GMOs are even in our foods that we are consuming, makes us a part of a massive experiment.” The FDA has said that they feel GMOs are not much different from regular food and we will treat them the same way. He also stated, “The big problem with this is the geneticists that follow the inheritance of genes, which is what biotechnology allows us to do is you take one organism and move it into a totally unrelated species. We are switching genes from one to the other without regard to the biological constraints this may have.” Suzuki stated that research that was done in Canada which was the first of its kind, successfully identified pesticides that were associated with GMOs in maternal, fetal and non-pregnant woman’s blood that was taken. Suzuki feels that because of this research that was done successfully, these environmental pollutants can affect the fetus and more studies are needed (Walia, 2014).
Labeling is a huge issue with any type of GMO here is America that is used in foods, or additives and even medications. It is hard for researchers to track the potential health risks and effects of GMO’s in the human population because there is the absence of labeling. Physicians need to know what their patients are eating and without this labeling, foods allergies are hard to identify and link with patients who may be suffering. The scary part is that the Food and Drug
Administration’s policy for regulating GMO foods does not require additional testing to prove safety, unless a GMO food is significantly different nutritionally or otherwise as compared to its non-GMO food-equivalent (Ruhs, 2013). Labeling was introduced back in 2004 because it will give consumers that freedom that they may want to choose between Genetically Modified Foods or additives containing GMOs verses conventional or organically grown foods. Proper labeling will have to begin with proper testing and a proven need for testing. The safety to the environment and the safety of the crops of genetically modified seeds needs to be evaluated. Countries with consumers that have a free market economy have a right to be informed if the foods they eat are genetically modified and that is why labeling these foods containing GMOs and even the smallest trace of GMOs should be mandatory everywhere and not in just certain countries and places. This will benefit consumers with all types of health and nutrition needs especially those who are interested in exactly what types of foods are being put into their bodies (Von, 2010). Avoiding GMOs without proper labeling can be difficult in the stores. You have to look for the words that say, “organic”, or the word, “verified” and this will mean that no GMOs are present in the product. This can be hard to find in some stores today. Whole Foods stores just recently announced that they are putting a plan into effect to label all of its GMO products. Chipotle and Ben & Jerry’s are in the process now of eliminating all the GMOs from their products and will have the labels marked as containing Non-GMOs when they are complete. Target is also removing GMO’s from its Simply Balanced brand of foods they sell and will soon be marked too. Right now, 70% of the processed foods we buy from any grocery store besides your organic stores contain at least one GMO ingredient in them. This can be alarming to the consumer that really may need to know or just may want to know this information for any reason (GMO Compass, 2009). GMO supporters have stated that plants, animals and bacteria have been used since the 1980’s like this and produce medications that make vaccines edible and some that you do not even need to refrigerate. While this is great, as a consumer there should be a label on these medications so that we are informed properly. GMOs have also been used for the hepatitis B vaccine and gene therapy. The problem here is again labeling or any allergic reactions that could happen. As a consumer that may use these product or have children that may use these products we have to right to know what is in them. Animals can now be genetically altered for many human medical purposed that include research done about different diseases, helping to create pharmaceutical products, and even the growth of curative tissues for implants (Phillips, 2008). An example was a drug that is called, ATRyn and it is made from goat’s milk. It is used for blood clotting during childbirth and certain surgeries. This medication was the first human biological drug that came from an animal that was approved by the U.S. food and Drug Administration in 2009. The patient receiving this medication should either be informed ahead of time or be given proper reading materials so that they know what is going into their bodies. As of now, there is no labeling or any law that states that we have a right to know. The United States is one of the last regulated countries and even U.S. federal regulations are very minimal when it comes to GMO of any type (Goldbas, 2015).
The FDA does not see that genetically engineered food is different from all naturally grown foods and food products therefore they feel there is not a need to specifically label any product that contains GMOs or to even change the name of the food product. Their reasoning behind this thought process is that putting these types of labels on GMO produced foods or if there is an additive in a food product, this labeling would imply to the consumer that Genetically Modified Foods are inferior or unsafe and they do not want to scare consumers in this way. The FDA states that the only way a name change could and would take place is if a food that is created from a genetically engineered plant is significantly different from its original counterpart where the usual name will no longer describe this new food product. A new label would also take place if there is a safety issue such as the presence of an allergen in the GMO food product (Hemphill & Banergee, 2015).
The AAAS which stands for the American Association for the Advancement of Science is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing science for the benefit of all people. The AAAS believe that mandatory labeling of Genetically Modified Foods and processed foods will argue that it could mislead consumers and even may alarm them falsely. The AAAS state that this is because genetically modified crops are no more of a risk than the same foods made from crops modified by the normal plan breeding techniques. The AAAS also stated that each new crop must be subjected to analysis in order receive the FDA approval. If a new protein trail has been added the crop needs to be shown not to be toxic or have any type of allergenic in it. The AAAS stated that this type of labeling would also put a cost on all genetically modified products in our stores (Hemphill & Banergee, 2015). The consumers that do not desire this information or do not care either way will fight the rising costs and labeling of these products.
Colin Tudge who is a critic of GMOs stated that there are demonstrations worldwide that show the best way to produce the foods that we eat is through traditional farming. They already produce more than 50 percent of the food that we eat. The next 20 percent is from people fishing, the gardens that they grow and hunting. That leaves 30 percent which is from industrial agriculture and this is the one that Genetically Modified Organisms use. He believes that is only because this is where the money is and the handful of these big companies that compete with each other do it to maximize their own market share. The more competition the more money that can be made and with the human population growing at a rapid pace and the global warming stressing the farmers, these GMO’s can deliver more food to more people (GMO’s A solution or a problem?, 2014). Tudge has proven that now agriculture is dominated by corporations that are not in competition to earn as much money as possible and are supported by governments such as those in Great Britain or in the United States, Genetically Modified Foods and Additives will be pushed and the technology that makes them will be funded. With all this being backed by the governments Tudge states that the task for these companies is now to get a maximum share of the market and to ensure that this technology is to make as much food as possible will be done by GM technology. Tudge also stated to the Journal of International Affairs that in many ways GMOs in one region can cause harm to another that does not use them yet. This can be done by the escape of pollen from a Genetically Modified region to a non-Genetically Modified region and could become affected. The genes that make the crops more resistant to fungi and diseases will now spread to the weeds in all areas. This will cause a newer generation of resistant weeds from pests. Tudge stated that the claims made by the British government that 40 percent more food will be needed by 2050, is just not true. The British government believes this is because of the rising population. It is pointed out from Hans Herren who is the president of the Millennium Institute that the world produces enough food and energy to sustain 14 billion people. This number is twice the present world population and is 50 percent more than the population that is speculated to be here in 2050 (GMO’s A solution or a problem? 2014).
The environmental risk is something that needs to be considered when wanting to plant and use Genetically Modified Organisms to the soil and surrounding plantation as well as the harm it can do to people and are water supply. In May of 2013, it was discovered that a farmer found a bunch of unapproved genetically modified wheat that has been growing in his field. He realized this after he sprayed it with herbicide. After spraying this wheat with herbicide the wheat did not die like it was supposed to. He then decided to contact Oregon State University and sent them a sample for testing. The Monsanto Company had done a field test for wheat from 1998 to 2005 over quite a few states. When the test came back it revealed that this wheat was from that field study. This wheat was created and genetically engineered to be herbicide resistant. He wanted to know how it slipped into his field. He discovered this wheat was found at a time when GMOs and the questioning of them regarding their safety was on the rise. At this time no government agency had approved any GM wheat and just made it worse. This farmer found out that the government never approved this GM crop for sale and it was because of the people worldwide who did not want genetically engineered wheat. Following this incident the USDA was asking its trading partners to be understanding and telling its consumers that the GM crops were safe for human consumption. They also wanted them to tell the consumer there have been no signs that genetically engineered wheat had entered the commercial market at all. If this genetically modified foods are so safe, then why did Japan at this time not taking any chances at all and prevented themselves and Korea from barring U.S. wheat imports? They did not budge until they received results of testing. This was a huge setback for them considering that the United States is the world’s largest exporter of wheat. Japan and Korea were not taking any chances period (Lundquist, 2015). Labeling of this wheat would have prevented this from happening when trading from U.S. to other countries. There was another time when Star Link corn, a genetically modified corn crop that was supposed to be only used for animal consumption was discovered in exports intended for human consumption. This was a huge disruption to the national and international importers like Japan and Korea who immediately suspended U.S. imports. Escaping of GM crops like these into neighboring fields can pose a significant threat to the purity of the genetic material within a nearby crop, field, or land. Consumers who only want to buy from organic crops are concerned because seeds from close by GM crops can drift and blow through pollination. The farmers then will not be able to sell their crops as organic and will lose money. This will be an economic loss if forced to sell the crop in the nonorganic market for a lower price which has had to be done. Now because there is no labeling and lack of regulations, organic farmers must now figure out a way, so that zero GM seeds will cross-pollinate with their own crops. Even the smallest amount of GMOs can ruin an organic field and cause economic loss from the lack of certification it now would not have.
In addition to no labeling laws in effect there is also no regulatory system in place that require producers of GMO crops to conduct a field trial to make any showing of containment procedures or perform assessments that would report containment success when the trial period is over. The consumer has a right to know what they are eating 100 percent of the time. Since there are no regulations and no proof of harm with these GM foods and crops they need to put this in place immediately. The courts are not on organic farmer’s side either when it comes to this when seeking damages for economic losses or conversions, nuisance, or negligence from GM crops that may be nearby (Lundquist, 2015).
Until the proper labeling is put in place telling the consumers if there are GMO ingredients in the foods on our store shelves, you can avoid at risk ingredients by carefully reading each label of food you are eating. Look for key words such as cornmeal, cornstarch, corn oil, and other corn-based ingredients. You can also avoid soy protein, soy milk, tofu, soy lecithin, soybean oil and other soy-based ingredients. Any type of Canola as in canola oil. Sugar or it can be listed as sugar beets. Most Hawaiian papaya is genetically modified and there is a small amount of zucchini and GM yellow squash floating around too. Consumers do not realize to be aware of dairy products. Some of these products may be from cows that are injected with GM bovine growth hormone. In this case you can look for products labeled “No rBGH or rBSTG. Some of these dairy products may even say artificial hormone free (Smith, 2011). If you see none of this on the packaging you can almost guarantee the dairy has this hormone in it.
With all this information out there, consumers should not feel isolated in wanting and desiring labeling of GMO ingredients and crops in America. There was a poll done by CBS on May 11, 2008 that showed 86 percent of those consumers polled wanted GMOs to be labeled and most of the additional 14 percent did not know what genetically modified even meant (Miller, 2009). After explaining it to this 14 percent most of them were for the labeling as well. With their being no labeling requirement today in the United States for GMO foods, those polled also stated that they would not buy food that has been genetically modified if the labeling was there. Nutritionist Marion Nestle explains that the “Gene Giant” corporations that produce these GM foods do not want the labeling because they are terrified that no one would buy it.
While it is stated that some GMOs if used appropriately and research has stated that there is no testing that shows what the appropriate amount is, that they can relieve much human suffering such as malnutrition and even disease. Physicians and consumers are concerned with the safety and want more research and regulations put in place before using any type of genetically altered medication, additive, or food since it has been proven to cause health risks. With the growing controversy over foods that contain genetically modified organisms that are created in a lab and not by nature, consumers have the right to proper labeling to insure the safety and consumer awareness when purchasing and consuming products that contain any type of genetically modified food or additive.
FAQs about GMOs. (2015). Consumer Reports, 80(3), 12.
GMO Compass (2009). Rising trend: genetically modified crops worldwide on 125 million
hectares. Retrieved from
GMOs: A solution or a problem? (2014). Journal of International Affairs, 67(2), 131-139.
Goldbas, A. (2014). GMOs: What Are They?. International Journal of Childbirth Education,
29(3), 20.
Hemphill, T. A., & Banerjee, S. (2015). Mandatory food labeling for GMOs. Regulation, 37(4),
7-10. Retrieved from
Lundquist, K. A. (2015). Unapproved Genetically Modified Corn: It’s what’s for Dinner. Iowa
Law Review, 100(2), 825-851.
Miller, C. (2009). Today’s Synthetic Foods: Shrinking our Brains, Testicles, and Livers?. Tikkun,
24(5), 27-83.
Phillips, T. (2008). Genetically modified organisms (FMOs): Transgenic crops and recombinant
DNA. Nature Education, 1(1), 213-217.
RUHS, B. Update: GMOs in Foods. Environmental Nutrition. 36, 2, 1-6, Feb. 2013. ISSN:
Smith, M. D. (2014). Going against GMOs. Better Nutrition, (10). 52.
Von Gotz, F. (2010). See what you eat-broad GMO screening with microarrays. Analytical &
Bioanalytical Chemistry, 396(6), 1961-1967. Doi: 10.1007/s00216-009-3204-z
Walia, A. (2014). 10 Scientific Studies Proving GMOs can be Harmful to Human Health.
Retrieved from
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